The items that will be included in the registration are:
1. Member first and last name (should populate without having to enter)
2. Tee played most often in last 20 rounds – required answer
3. Guest first and last name
4. Guest GHIN Number or must have a verifiable USGA handicap
5. If handicap is not maintained on GHIN, what organization maintains Guest’s handicap and what is the identifier for that system
6. Guest address
Online registration is mandatory – it is the best way to ensure your registration information is entered as you desire. Do not call the pro-shop as they are not taking registrations over the phone or in person. Due to the opportunity to play this event on both courses we expect the tournament to fill quickly, there is room for 120 teams
I would like to get information on how I can put my name on the list for the MEMBER / MEMBER and the MEMBER / GUEST.
I am new to the club and just need details on how to register.
Also … My user name / password combination is not working on the member pages. I have reset my password 3 times and it is not recognizing the user name. Can someone help with this?
Thank you … RICK ELDRIDGE #05013
Phone: 704-907-1489
Hi Rick, you don’t register through the site, you’ll register through Golf Genius. You don’t need a username and password. I will add your email to the MGA email list and you will receive an email with all the information you need to register for Member/Member.